One of the most challenging aspects of getting through tough seasons of marriage is dealing with triggers. One minute you're fine and the next you are an emotional wreck all because of that one word your husband said or that one thing he did that took you over the top. Living from day to day and having to deal with these emotional lows is exhausting. They also lead you to aggressive, passive or passive-aggressive behavior that is a complete disservice to you and your marriage.

As a wife coach who specializes in helping women of God navigate seasons of marital hardship, I've worked with several women who were once a slave to their emotions just like you. And the truth is, most of them were lacking the knowledge they needed to ultimately gain control over their emotions and navigate that tough season well.

I know you're tired of feeling emotionally unstable in your marriage. This class is going to give you the knowledge you need to start handling your triggers in a way that is fruitful.

Example Curriculum

  The Triggered To Transformed Wife
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